10 Same-sex Vow Examples That Will Melt Your Heart

Are you looking for some same-sex vow examples to help you write your own? Well, look no further! Here are 10 of the most beautiful, heart- melting same-sex vows that we could find:

1. “I promise to love you unconditionally, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health. I will always be there for you, no matter what. I vow to always be honest with you, to communicate with you openly and to always be there for you, as your partner and your best friend.”

2. “I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my life. I will always be there for you, no matter what. I vow to always be honest with you, to communicate with you openly and to always be there for you, as your partner and your best friend.”

3. “I promise to love you always, to be there for you no matter what, and to always be honest with you. I also vow to never take you for granted, and to always cherish and appreciate you.”

4. “I promise to love you, to cherish you, and to always be there for you. I will never take you for granted, and I will always be honest with you. I also vow to never give up on you, no matter what.”

5. “I promise to love you, to support you, and to always be there for you. I also vow to never give up on you, no matter what.”

6. “I promise to love you, to cherish you, and to always be there for you. I will never take you for granted, and I will always be honest with you. I also vow to never give up on you, no matter what.”

7. “I promise to love you, to cherish you, and to always be there for you. I will never take you for granted, and I will always be honest with you. I also vow to never give up on you, no matter what.”

8. “I promise to love you, to cherish you, and to always be there for you. I will never take you for granted, and I will always be honest with you. I also vow to never give up on you, no matter what.”

9. “I promise to love you, to cherish you, and to always be there for you. I will never take you for granted, and I will always be honest with you. I also vow to never give up on you, no matter what.”

10. “I promise to love you, to cherish you, and to always be there for you. I will never take you for granted, and I will always be honest with you. I also vow to never give up on you, no matter what.”

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