7 examples of religious vows from around the world

There are countless religious vows that people take all over the world. Here are seven examples of religious vows from around the world:

1. The Vow of Silence: This vow is taken by monks and nuns in some religious orders. It involves a commitment to never speak, except in specific circumstances where it is absolutely necessary.

2. The Vow of Poverty: This vow is taken by some religious orders, and involves a commitment to live a life of poverty and simplicity.

3. The Vow of Chastity: This vow is taken by monks and nuns in some religious orders. It involves a commitment to remain celibate and abstain from all sexual activity.

4. The Vow of Obedience: This vow is taken by monks and nuns in some religious orders. It involves a commitment to obey the authority of one’s religious superiors.

5. The Vow of Stability: This vow is taken by monks and nuns in some religious orders. It involves a commitment to remain in the same religious community and not to move around from place to place.

6. The Vow of Conversion: This vow is taken by some religious orders. It involves a commitment to live a life dedicated to converting others to the religious faith.

7. The Vow of Mission: This vow is taken by some religious orders. It involves a commitment to live a life dedicated to spreading the religious faith to others.

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