10 Of The Most Hilarious Wedding Vows Ever

We all know that weddings are a serious affair. But that doesn’t mean that your vows have to be boring! In fact, some of the most memorable weddings are those where the couple has taken a light-hearted approach to their vows.

Here are 10 of the most hilarious wedding vows ever:

1. “I promise to love you, even when you leave your socks on the floor.”

2. “I promise to love you, even when you snore.”

3. “I promise to love you, even when you forget our anniversary.”

4. “I promise to love you, even when you eat the last piece of cake.”

5. “I promise to love you, even when you forget to put the toilet seat down.”

6. “I promise to love you, even when you leave your dirty laundry on the floor.”

7. “I promise to love you, even when you hog the covers at night.”

8. “I promise to love you, even when you leave your wet towel on the bed.”

9. “I promise to love you, even when you forget to take out the trash.”

10. “I promise to love you, even when you’re having a bad day.”

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