10 Funny Wedding Vows That Will Make Your Wedding Unforgettable

When it comes to your wedding vows, why not have a little fun with them? Here are 10 funny wedding vows that will make your wedding unforgettable:

1. “I promise to love you, even when you leave your socks on the floor.”

2. “I promise to always be there for you, even when you’re being a pain in the ass.”

3. “I promise to always be honest with you, even when it hurts.”

4. “I promise to always be there for you, even when you’re PMS-ing.”

5. “I promise to always be supportive of your dreams, even when they’re totally crazy.”

6. “I promise to never go to bed angry with you, even when you really deserve it.”

7. “I promise to always be your biggest fan, even when you’re not winning.”

8. “I promise to love you forever, even when you start getting wrinkles.”

9. “I promise to always be there for you, even when you’re old and gray.”

10. “I promise to love you for better or for worse, even when you’re at your worst.”

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